Month: July 2021

The 3 top things hunters can do to improve our social licence.

One of the first things we need to establish to answer this question is, what is social licence?

Generally speaking, Social Licence has been defined as the ongoing approval or broad social acceptance of an activity.

This leads to the fact that Social Licence for an activity such as hunting must be earned and then maintained.

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Basic Land Navigation.

Before any hunter heads off into the bush they should ensure they have the necessary skills and equipment. One such skill is basic land navigation.

In today’s day and age it could be easy to think I have a GPS (Global Positioning System) I’ll be right! But batteries run out, things break. A guy called Murphy once said if it can go wrong, it will go wrong.

So it’s important for a hunter to take a map and compass with them as a back up system. However a map and a compass will be of no help if you have no idea on how to use them.

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